Part of the problem of having been consumed by finals, graduation, grading papers, working on my newest project and my mother's illness is that I've not kept up with my blog reading. As such, I missed this great post entitled "I did not come to feminism for this" by Winter over at Desperate Kingdoms.
When you read it -- it's long but very thought provoking and worth it -- be sure to read the related posts and the comments. This is an old issue, but it warms my heart deeply to know that there are people in the world like Winter.
As for the subject matter, I'm simply not going to comment, beyond acknowledging the fact that I know many feminists loath transpeople -- transwomen, in particular. I read this stuff. I just can't bring myself to engage them. I've commented before (specifically as relates to the MWMF). See, especially, this post. But, in the end, I know who I am. I am blessed to have wonderful loving people in my life who accept me as a woman. And, as a person of privilege, I'm able to say "it's all about me". Still, you should go read.
Thanks, Winter.
Also, check out this post, at Angry Brown Butch, which Winter also directed me to.
[UPDATE] In addition to adding my additional commentary below the fold, I found this related link to a petition for the "Declaration and Affirmation on the Importance of Woman-Only Spaces", from Women's Space/The Margins in the comments to a post entitled: "Are Feminists Allowed to be Partnered with Transmen and Transwomen?" It's a great post, and an excellent blog. I signed the petition.
OK, I lied. I can't let these three comments go without my own comments (courtesy, again, of Winter's post):
Just for the record, I do not fear or hate these psychologically damaged boys. I pity them. I do hate that “professionals” can say they are able to magically turn these pitiful guys in a woman. As I said before, they should lose their license to practice medicine by praying on and profiting off the mental problems of these unfortunates.
Or this,
I’d like to take a piss in a public can knowing for a fact there are no boys in there whining “I was born in the wrong body” for fucksake, insisting I refer to him as “she.” Phobic? Hardly. Resentful that women lose yet another space of their own? You betcha big time.
Or this,
Sex is static. It cannot be changed. Men cannot be frogs, they cannot be giraffes, they cannot be trees, they cannot be rocks, and they cannot be women. Get over it.
Comment 1: I don't want your pity, even if you think I'm a psychologically damaged boy or a pitiful guy. And, it's preying NOT praying. Sheesh.
Comment 2: I would rather you NOT take a piss in public, thank you very much. Personally, I try to find restrooms, preferably ones that have stalls. And you think you've lost your space?! Trying walking in a transwoman's shoes for a day. Born in the wrong body? No. But does that mean that sex is reducible simply to a set of chromosomes? What controls? If not phobic, then why do you care?
Comment 3: How must you hate yourself to compare women to frogs, giraffes, trees and rocks. Well, at least the first three are living. But, rocks? Does petrification count? Try it, would you? My god. Do you even know what a woman is? Would you please (please!) tell me?
OK. I'm done. Have a nice day (and a terrific New Year)!