Two meaningless posts in two weeks does not make for a good blogger serving her loyal blog reading public. I'm sorry. I really wish I had more to offer. I have literally hundreds of pages of text (this is dense stuff, as all law students already know; it's not like reading novel) to try and absorb each week. Each class continues to hold my interest and I find that I want to do my studying. Further, when I do have a few extra minutes I want to spend them with my honey (today, we took a break and built a snowgirl. She's very cute.). Such a combination does not bode well for incisive and thoughtful blog posting. I have, however, tried to surf over 3-4 of my favorite blogs each day (on kind of an informal rotating basis) to keep up with what's happening in the blogosphere.
I'll try to do better, but it might be advisable if don't hold your breath. :)