Three exams done -- Comparative Human Rights Law (took earlier in the semester), Jurisdiction (took last week) and Family Law (which I just took this morning).
This morning's exam was one of the more interesting ones of my law school career. I loved it and hated it at the same time. I loved it because it challenged my memory and brain, but without making me feel like I was clueless and just casting about hoping to find the right thing to say. I knew what I knew and I said it. Is it enough to earn me an A? I doubt it -- the kids I go to school with are all so smart and skilled at this -- but I am happy with my performance. I loved it because it went to issues that I care about (specifically abortion and the rights of same-sex partners in a civil union) and didn't deal with mundane, routine issues (which we did cover in the course and she could have gone there, but didn't). I loved it because as I wrote the exam, I learned more and made connections that I hadn't made before.
I hated it for two reasons. First, it was very long - too long, I think. The first question (of two) required that we read and analyze a hypothetical statute that detailed the circumstances under which a woman would be allowed an abortion. The statute had 6 parts to it and we were required to examine all 6 parts under 3 separate scenarios -- the law according to Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, the law according to Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, and Constitutional law assuming that Roe and its progeny were overturned. I had more that I thought needed to be said when I noticed that 1/2 of my 3 hours was gone and I decided to move onto the next question and return to this one if time permitted. The second question contained the dissent from Langan v. St. Vincent's Hospital. 802 N.Y.S.2d 476. It was 6 pages, single-spaced in length. We were to read the dissent thoroughly, then write an essay that described the reasoning, holding and implications of the dissent's views and then answer 12 specific questions about it. That was just an awful lot of work to cram into 90 minutes.
The second reason I hated the exam had nothing to do with the exam itself, but rather a technical glitch I experienced. My battery died at the very end of the exam! I still had 2 questions (of the 12) left to answer that I had to hand write. What a scary thing that was. Then, it appeared that one of my answers was erased by the power failure. Fortunately, with the assistance of all concerned, we were able to fix that problem.
Now, I just have to finish this bankruptcy final. Thank goodness this exam is untimed. I swear that I would have failed (and I elected this class as pass/fail) had it not been; even now, I'm not sure I can pull it off. Never, Denise, never again take such a class.
And, finally, I have a paper due in my Anatomy of a Deal class. It is due on the day I get back from my honeymoon (1/9). That means, for me, that it is effectively due two days before my wedding, or 12/27. That gives me just 4 days, including Christmas Day to write this paper. This is going to be a long week. I am *so* looking forward to my honeymoon, the warmth of Key West, and the relaxation of spending 10 days with my honey with no law school thoughts or activities! Right now, I am a wee bit stressed. Where is my chocolate?