I posted earlier that the influx of cross-dressers appeared due to the activities of a Texas school district, but it seems as if the "problem" may be rooted even deeper. According to Alan Farago, "a writer on the environment and politics", writing a commentary for the Orlando Sentinel, pervasive endocrine disrupters are "sex change agents" being imposed on all of us.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger only had it partly right when he coined a new phrase for his critics, "girly men." With pollution changing our fetuses and our bodies, there is more girl in men than there used to be.
For Christians, a question: When God comes to raise us up, what if there are no real men left to save?
For all communities of faith: When will you bang the doors of the White House and Congress as loudly about the moment of mis-creation as you do about the moment of creation?
Consider this an action alert for all Christians and other communities of faith!